The Mexico Diaries: Bulmaro returns

Sunset at Bucerias. Photo by David Lansing.

Bulmaro came to my door as I was contemplating my options for dinner since I had no electricity. The first thing he did was to flip the light switch in the kitchen up and down. Sadly, this did not make the lights go on. Then he got a flashlight and proceeded to my laundry closet where the breaker panel is situated tight against the dryer. He opened the box and flipped one of the breakers. Nothing happened. One by one he tried all of the other breakers. All twenty of them. The lights stayed out. Then he called Señor Rivera and after speaking with him for a minute, handed me his phone.

“Bulmaro says there is some problem with your electricity,” said Señor Rivera. I told him I believed that to be true. “I think we should call an electrician.”

Of course, since it was after 7 now, an electrician would not be able to come to my house until tomorrow. “Is there anything you need that Bulmaro could get for you? Water? More candles?” I told Señor Rivera that I would be fine if we could just get the electricity back on. And the air-conditioner fixed. “But you couldn’t use the air-conditioner anyway,” Señor Rivera correctly pointed out, “since you have no electricity.” And, also, he said, the plumber would be here in the morning. “So, you see, already we are working on it.”

And with that, Bulmaro went home to his lit house and his warm dinner.

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  1. Allan’s avatar

    I’m having trouble accepting your resignation and acceptance of such inconvenience. Since you seem to constantly have electrical and plumbing issues, why do you keep this place?

  2. david’s avatar

    It’s actually very charming…once you get everything fixed.

  3. Fred Harwood’s avatar

    And, obviously, you ain’t selling, yet.

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