Vegas is a guy’s town

Frank Sinatra at the Sands. Courtesy of

The very fact that my dad took my mom to Vegas the time he won enough to buy her a German stereo always perplexed me. Because my dad never took my mom to Vegas. “Vegas is a guy’s town,” he’d say by way of explanation. When I was younger I always wondered what that meant. As I grew older, it became obvious.

Vegas was the place where he could do the opposite of what he was allowed to do at home. He could drink highballs at noon. He could stay up all night playing craps. He could flirt with pretty women.

Whenever my mom would propose that she go with him, he’d dismiss the idea out of hand. As if she’d just asked him if she could join his Thursday night bowling league team. “Vegas is not a place for broads,” he’d explain (yes, he used that word; his homage to his hero, Frank Sinatra, I suppose).

But Ol’ Blue Eyes is gone and so is my dad, and I have reached an age when it seems important to tie up some emotional loose ends. So I have made what I imagine might be my own last trip to Las Vegas. Not to see any of the seven Cirque du Soleil shows or the Blue Man Group but to see if there are any remnants left of the old Vegas. The one my father and Frank knew. The one that “wasn’t for broads.”

And to be honest with you, I also want to see if I can match the old man just one time: I want to win enough money to buy a new stereo. Perhaps a German one.



  1. Jeff Wilson’s avatar

    sweet dave… you need to take don with you. he’ll show you the vegas you’re looking for. hope you find what you’re looking for. hard for me to imagine much of the vegas of the 50s and 60s is to be found any more. look forward to reading about your search…

  2. Fred Harwood’s avatar

    Blaupunkt ain’t what it used to be; sundry icons dim with age…

  3. Allan’s avatar

    “my own last trip to Las Vegas” – why “last”? Are you unwell?

  4. David’s avatar

    Depends on who you ask.

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